Delocalized Laboratory Workshop at National Tsing Hua University in collaboration with Paris 8 University.
Workshop supervised by Chu-Yin CHEN, Jean-François JEGO & Remy SOHIER.
Produced with the College of Arts at and the PIMs program of the National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan in the context of the EUR-ArTeC MIP Workshop in collaboration with the Arts & Technologies de l’Image Department and the INREV-AIAC laboratory of the University Paris 8, France.
We gratefully acknowledge the Arts Center Tsing Hua.
MIP ArTeC 2019-2020
3IA : Immersive Improvisation in Interactive Arts
Making of MIP ArTeC at NTHU Taiwan
Delocalized Laboratory Workshop at National Tsing Hua University in collaboration with Paris 8 University. Workshop supervised by Chu-Yin CHEN, Jean-François JEGO & Remy SOHIER.
Produced with the College of Arts at and the PIMs program of the National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan in the context of the EUR-ArTeC MIP Workshop in collaboration with the Arts & Technologies de l’Image Department and the INREV-AIAC laboratory of the University Paris 8, France.
We gratefully acknowledge the Arts Center Tsing Hua.
MIP ArTeC - Artwork : sharky shARky
Hyun Ah Jung, Laura Lassus-Pigat, Linda Liou, Yinan Sheng
Augmented Reality Installation, tablet, mixed materials, video projection
MIP ArTeC - Artwork : I Don’t Know Nature
Gnoumagbée Camara, Wen-Chih Chen, Yi Ting Ho, Pierre Lepercq, Axel Mounier, Munus Shih
Interactive Installation, plants, mixed materials, video projection
MIP ArTeC - Artwork : Distorted Wonderglitch
Aurélien Duval, Jing-Yuan Huang, Chih-Wei Liao, Dora Lin, Ugo Pignon, Ieva Kotryna Skirmantaite
Collaborative Virtual Reality Installation, MIDI controller, video projection
MIP ArTeC - Artwork : Look at me
Ya-Kuei Chang, Ella Gouët, Mourad Hammadache, Hui-Ting Hong, Jui-Wei Huang, Ping-Ju Huang
Augmented Reality Performance, chairs, 3D camera, video projection - 2 minutes